Our Response to COVID-19

Dear customers,

Thank you for all your support over the past few years. As a small business every sale is appreciated. The world is currently living a dystopian reality and it is important now, more than ever, that we stand together. It is also important that we stay safe, healthy, helpful, and woke.


The new norm is to stay indoors, wear a face mask when you go out, wash your hands at least twenty more times than before, and keeping a six foot distance from others. The new norm is going for walks and seeing your local dive bar boarded up, or waiting in line to go into the grocery store. The new norm is reading another ridiculous tweet by the president of the United States and being un-phased at his idiotic rhetoric. The new norm is checking unemployment status, constant anxiety from the daily news, fearing a recession, feeling uncertain of when things will begin to "normalize." The new norm is getting online and radicalizing against our superiors and calling to action a more just nation. The new norm is no more Bernie and either accepting Biden or allowing this #JACKA$$ to stay in office. The new norm has to shift to a less capitalistic and less nihilistic regime in order to unite & revolt against the bigotry of the nation. 

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